We mention this ministry quite a bit... We love it. We hope the attached video will give you a glimpse into what its about.
This is a ministry of dignity to people who are in need. The people at Vineyard Circleville Campus work with S.A.F.E. (Shelters Available for Everyone) in this ministry. This video was put together by a high school student who is a friend of another high school senior who had chosen the Bed Brigade as his high school service project. These guys were awesome. They helped us build and deliver 8 beds one Saturday in December of 2011. At the end of the day, they told us that they had no idea that this kind of poverty existed here, in central Ohio.
I'm not good at asking for help! And I hate feeling like a used car salesman. The truth is we need help. so here is my feeble attempt.
This ministry is not funded by a grant or a corporation. We are currently in need of more materials. We have exhausted our supply of mattresses, lumber, and mattress covers. We could use your assistance. If you would like to donate please visit our website www.bed-brigade.org and click on the donate button. If you would be interested in getting your church or youth ministry involved in this ministry contact me.
Thank You,
Ron VanHorn
Vineyard Circleville Campus
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Circleville Update
Let’s catch up. We haven't posted in a while so let's catch everyone up on what’s going on in our world of Vineyard Columbus Circleville Campus Initiative! First of all, we get lots of questions about what’s the “initiative” mean in our title. The reality is, it means we are a “baby campus”. Vineyard Columbus has two other campuses and they both started out with larger congregations and at least one full time staff member. Our “initiative” as well as the Mansfield Initiative has started in a reverse manner. We are starting small, intentionally. We feel this is more appropriate for the communities that we are working to reach!
The summer…
This summer was such a wonderful time of outreach for our group!! We presented to our community “Movies in the Park” and it was a big success. We popped popcorn, partnered with other local congregations and were able to give out free meals (hot dogs and chips), we played games with community kids and met new faces and then showed a very family-centric movie for free!! One dad who brought his brood of 5 children thanked us and said that he had driven here from Columbus because he couldn’t afford to take his family to a movie like this in a theater! Mission accomplished-that’s what we were shooting for and what a privilege to provide a night out for that dad with his kids! We really believe that this outreach has helped create some inroads into our community and we are so incredibly thankful to the numerous donors that gave from hearts to help us pay for the costs of movie licensing!
We also finished our second season at the Pickaway County Farm Market. Every other weekend we handed out water and cups of cold lemonade to people attending the farm market. We met new people, as well as continuing the developing of relationships we made the previous year with attendees and vendors. We live in a Farm community, it just makes sense that we be apart of something that reflects and promotes the hard working values of our city.
The Bed brigade continues to allow us to offer dignity to those in need. We have given away 143 beds since March of last year. We have not done this alone. So many hands have cut, drilled, assembled, painted, and delivered. So many have donated the finances to meet these needs. (Feel free to donate online at www.bed-brigade.org) We want to say a special Thank You to the Transformation Zone Youth Camp that took on the project once again this summer and built 60 bed frames. We also want to express our sincere gratitude to the Columbus Dispatch for a tremendous article about the Bed Brigade. The article really laid out the heart of this ministry.
We have some incredible news, as a result of that article we were contacted by a church in North West Ohio. They read the article and feel led to begin a chapter of the Bed Brigade in Bryan Ohio. This community is in the corner of the state, by Indiana, and Michigan. We are excited that we get to template, this idea to allow it to grow and help so many more people. We have also been contacted and have been in discussion about another chapter wanting to start in State College Pennsylvania. So the Bed Brigade is growing…and it is about dignity. God is good.
Back to School Supply Drive…
We again gathered school supplies for local families who needed help. With the help of our community and with the support of several local stores who allowed us to put donation boxes inside their stores. We want to say a special Thank you to Carnival foods, Dollar General, Kroger, Save-a-Lot, and CVS. Give –A- Way day was held at Elsea’s trailer park. We joined The Salt and Light Church who organized the event and had collected clothes for families in the park. They sat up tables in the community center and loaded them with stack after stack of clothes, not only for children, but for moms and dads as well. The Circle of Light Church brought their food truck and fed all those who came. We sat up our tent on the basketball court and loaded up with the backpacks and we were able to provide 45 backpacks stuffed to capacity to kids who were headed back to school. 3 churches coming together loving on a community. What an incredible day. Sharing Jesus not only through words, but through shirts, pants, paper, pencils, and hotdogs and a bag of chips. The simplicity of God’s word becomes clear. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Special Note from Tracy…
In May my Grandma Maggie was diagnosed with lung cancer and from May to August my attention and energy was largely focused on her needs and my responsibility to her and to my family during her last months here on earth. On August 4th, Grandma Maggie passed from our arms to the arms of Jesus. I can’t express how very grateful I am to all of you for your love and support during this time for my family and me! Thank you all for your love, for the food, for the prayer support, for walking with me through this process of grief!
This Fall…
We participated in our second annual Pumpkin Show this year!! We had our face painting booth on Pickney Street and when all was said and done-despite the stinky weather that settled over The Show; we managed to paint roughly 450 faces!! That means we came in contact with nearly 1,000 people! Pretty exciting! Thank you so much to our painters and volunteers!! Jason, Phil, Autumn, Kelley, Bob, Darlene, Mark, Nate, Jerrie and Noel-we couldn’t have pulled this off without you and we so appreciate your dedication and support!!
The Holiday Season…
As we head into the Holiday season, we again look for ways to show the love of Jesus to those around us. We are once again working with Job and Family Services and will be providing Christmas to 5 Foster Children this season. We have also met several families throughout this year who have experienced serious financial and emotional hardships. God opened the doors for us to connect with these families and we recognize that Jesus’ heart is always with those suffering. Our call is to demonstrate Christ's love to these brothers and sisters.
If you are interested in helping us with these families please contact us directly at
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
This week I have had it come to my attention that many of the people in our church our experiencing problems. Real struggles, that make us question what we're doing. I don't want to offer up some flippant advice or some christianese jargon fluff.
But John 16: 33 gives us a promise - "In this world you will have trouble" Linger on that for a minute....
We will have trouble. Cancer, relationship problems, the car broke down, the kids are sick, we don't have enough money to pay the bills, this infection won't go away, the neighbors dog wakes me up too early in the morning, my boss is a pain, the pipes are busted.... troubles. When we align ourselves with Jesus it does not eliminate us from the ordinary. It does not excuse us from life. The second half of the promise is this "But take heart!" Jesus says with an exclamation point. He then finishes with "I have overcome the world."
My friend Phil Milam sent me an e-mail the week before last, and he had some perspective on some of the troubles that we were encountering, Here is what Phil said:
Then the question occurred to me ‘what are we planting these seeds into?’ We are planting each seed into a vineyard. When one thinks of planting seeds into a vineyard the obvious implication is that grape seeds are being planted so that they can be harvested and made into wine.
The process of making wine from the seeds that grew into grapes does not happen overnight. First, the grapes need to be pressed so their juices flow out. Then the winemaker lets them sit in wineskins to ferment for up to two weeks so that the sugars can break down. Then the skins are pressed free of the wine so that it can sit for a few days and settle. Then the wine is put into barrels to age. This final step is important as it gives it much of its flavor and clears the opaque wine. This can last from a few days to forty years.
I think this has great implications for our church and ministry. We are waiting for our church to grow but we may grow impatient sometimes and not see the process of our church going through the winepress and soaking into the wineskins.
Complications may arise along the way but it may just be God’s way of making us into a
good ‘bottle of wine.’
When problems like copyright infringement come up, it may well be His plan of putting us through the winepress to strengthen us and enable us to solve problems as a church and come together to work against the enemy. It may be that in extending out to the community for support and donations He creates new bonds that wouldn’t be there if He didn’t put us through the press.
Or when we sit at a farm market that doesn’t seem to bare much fruit, we may just be fermenting as He allows us to sit back and observe our community, the way It works, and what it needs so that when we are ready He has already given the wisdom on where to serve and who to serve.
As we look for and worry about a new building and wonder where God is going to settle us into, we can know that God knows the ‘barrel’ that he wants us to age in. He has a location in mind that will take the seeds that have taken months to get where they are that will glorify Him and bring the lost to His son. It may be in that place that we grow together and achieve the ‘flavor’ He wants us to have. In that place we can worship Him and grow in our knowledge of Him so that we can give the city a taste of what He has for it. But we may just need to ferment a little longer before he places us there to age with the city.
If we focus on Him and what we believe He wants us to do I believe that these processes will take place on their own. When we are ready he will give us the tools necessary to fulfill His will. Once we have finished being pressed by the Holy Spirit, and we ferment in the blood of Christ that we drink each week, and we have aged in His presence gaining wisdom He will pour us out onto the community of Circleville. Once his divine processes have been completed each of us will be like a perfectly aged wine bottle ready to be drank by the community so that their palates can have a small taste of what it will be like to spend an eternity with God.
All that is required our end is patience as we do not know how long He needs us to age. It could be tomorrow in a similar fashion of John chapter 2 when Jesus says ‘fill the jars with water’ and when poured, good wine flows out and is served at the wedding feast. Or it could be weeks, or, months, or years just like the best of wines. If we do not wait for God’s timing we may taste like the watered down wines in Isaiah 1.."
I think that Phil nails it here. I know he was talking specifics about our church. But I think we can apply that to our lives. Yes, Sometimes troubles can just be the crappy ordinary stuff of life. Othertimes they can be the things that shape us, define us, grow, and stretch us. God's way of making us into a great bottle of wine.
I don't know which you are in, and I'm certain that either way it still sucks.
The promise still stands. Jesus has overcome the world.
What does that mean for us? Well...When we accept him, we take on his nature. This includes his nature to overcome! He is in us. His strength will fortify us in the crappiest of situations or even in the mundane.
We are here. If you need help or need to talk some things over, or just need to gain some perspective. Contact us. We're in this together.
Phil Milam
ministers with us at
Vineyard Circleville Campus
if you'd like to e-mail him
If you'd like more information about
Vineyard Circleville Campus
Please feel free to contact me at
Sunday, May 15, 2011
It takes me 3 weeks to write one of these- seriously !
Dignity can go along way.
Vineyard Circleville Campus and S.A.F.E. continue to partner together on the Pickaway County Bed Project. The Last several weeks we have been very busy. We delivered beds to a family in Columbus. This family consisted of a single dad, raising 5 children. They were tucked away in a housing project. The Kids were excited as we brought in their new beds and set them up. We put on their new sheets, put down their new blankets, Talked about how nice it is to feel that cool sheet warm blanket combo. They talked about how they all used to end up in one room, and how now having individual beds may keep them comfy in their separate rooms. We could see the excitement on their faces. Something new, something that would get them up off the floor.
When we got to talk to the dad in the hallway, He told us how its a struggle living where they live.
We told him that these beds are about dignity and having a place to lay your head at night. That seems like such a basic thing, but so many people are without the basics.
We were able to have a quick word of prayer with him and told him that this scripture is written on the leg of each bed- and that this was our prayer for he and his kids.
Numbers 6: 24-
The Lord bless you and keep you; the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Last week we were able to deliver a bed to a man who is in a new apartment after years of being homeless. We've been working with PICCA (Pickaway County Community Action) and PICCA led us to this man. They help so many homeless here in our community. Our friend Jason there, has become an incredible ally and is just a fun guy to hang with. Anyway, this gentleman that we delivered the bed to has been living in woods/ caves/ abandon buildings etc... After many years he and his dog have a new apartment. He told us that his goal is to get re- established and hopefully be able to get a house of his own again.
He had great stories... Some of them a bit out there. Not sure that all his stories were true, but they were fun to listen to.
He's not without his challenges, mentally, socially, and physically.
We asked if we could pray with him and before we could, he said something that I found incredibly profound. He said "You know, I haven't been following Jesus... But He's been Following Me, wherever I've gone" I told him that this may be one of the most theologically sound statement that I've heard.
I want to Thank Circle of Light Church. They are another church here in Circleville, They have an incredible heart for ministry and this community. They have given us a space to store our beds. 2 weekends ago We got together with a bunch of their guys. We had a work day at the warehouse.
We cleaned and demo'd a big built in shelving unit. Built a new wall. They helped us create a shop inside of their warehouse. They even brought us a table saw. At the end of the day, they handed me a key to the place, so that we can access whenever the need arises. These people are incredible. This was a beautiful day. Young and old guys from separate churches working together.
Realizing that We are the church. So I want to give a Huge Thank You to all the guys at Circle of Light for the incredible gift. (Insert hand claps here)
We couldn't do what we're doing without you!
We are coming Down to the last week before our Movies in the Park begins. We are in the process of building our 18 ft. wide screen. Some exciting news! We are in discussion with a local pizza shop, They have said that they will post an advertisement for us on their pizza boxes. They have told us that they sell 3000 Pizzas a week. We filled out the form and submitted this week. Hopefully this will come through. We are providing this to the community for Free, so free advertising is exactly what we need.
Again our friends at PICCA have come to the rescue and have loaned us a popcorn machine. We are trying to line up give-aways from local restaurants and businesses. We want to have games and prizes for themed nights.
Prize for Biggest Family at the Cheaper By the Dozen Movie Night
Prize for Best StarWars costume on StarWars movie Night
We are pushing to get everything lined up and in place for our first Movie
MEGAMIND- May 20th Rated PG
If you are intersted in helping us set up or tear down- We'll let you!
But mostly we want to hang out with you!
Please invite your friends.
About our church
Sunday May 8th. Michael Swift from Vineyard Columbus joined us, and led us in Worship Music. It was incredible. Michael has agreed to help us every other week, and we are thrilled to have him join us. Michael is excited about this as well. He and his wife have Family that live close, and he is hoping that they may drop in to one of our services. We are looking forward to sharing in this aspect of worship together.
As a side note: Michael performs every month at the Vineyard Cafe at the Columbus Vineyard. You should check him out if you can. I went up a few months ago and caught the show. He is a gifted Musician and a great vocalist. His setlist was a wide mix of genre and styles. I was particularly fond of his cover of Michael Jackson's Billy Jean.
We have new faces joining us. We're excited and glad to have new people with us.
Final Thoughts
God is doing amazing things. I see him at work in those around me. Sometimes I feel just so lost, but occasionally I feel like he has allowed me a glimpse behind the curtain. I feel like I’m getting to see the inner workings. I see God bringing people together in the land of misfit toys, aligning little churches and groups. We are the people from the fringes, a little broken, and un-polished. We are people who are ready to kick the dividers down that have kept us within our church walls for too long. He is gearing up like-minded people who are not afraid to be real, and or genuinely foolish for his name. He is giving us vision, and the passion and abilities to act on them. When we begin to work together, and serve each other, we’ll change not only our communities, but also our world. We are not alone. We belong to a bigger picture. If you are reading this, Realize where you are, recognize who is walking along side of you, Do something about what God has put in front of you. You are not alone.
Talk to you again soon,
If you'd like to contact me- send me an email
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Beginning a Blog
Well... Here we go. This will be a place to keep you updated on what is going on at the Vineyard Columbus, Circleville Campus.
We are headed into summer, and we have a lot of things happening:
All Movies will be shown on a Large Screen (Approx 18' wide) at Ted Lewis Park. We will be setting up in the Pool Parking Lot. Bring a lawn chair or blanket- Free Popcorn will be provided - Bring your own Non-Alcoholic Beverages to enjoy. We are planning on having games and contests before and after the movies. This is about fun and family and bringing our community together. So tell your friends and Family, Talk it up to all the people you know.
All shows will be shown on Fridays at 8:30pm. or when its dark enough to start.
Movie Schedule and Details:
Friday May 20: MEGAMIND - Rated PG
Friday May 27: Cheaper By The Dozen - Rated PG
(Prize to be awarded to Largest Family in Attendance)
Friday June 3 : Star Wars - Rated PG
(Prize to be awarded to best Star Wars Costume- Bring your Light Sabers and Vader masks)
Friday June 10: Toy Story 3 - Rated G
Friday June 17: E.T. - Rated PG
Friday June 24: The Princess Bride - Rated PG
We continue to work with S.A.F.E- Shelters available for everyone (www.everyone-safe.org)
providing beds to those in need. We have worked closely with Children Services and PICCA's Homeless Prevention program to provide beds to the invisible poor in our county. We have expanded our reach also into Franklin and Union Counties. The above pictures show our Bed Project Crew. A few High school students from Logan Elm have joined us, and they have been an amazing help. If you are interested in helping us, or would like to template this idea in your own community. Please contact us.
We are hoping to surpass last years total and give away 150 beds this year.
The Pickaway County Farm Market will be coming up soon- Look for us to be there. Come check out our booth.
Our Church is currently meeting every Sunday Night at Gibson's Cafe @ 6 pm.
This is nothing fancy. Just a few people getting together to talk and pray.
Weekly message will be given by pastor Rich Nathan
Gibson's Cafe
506 North Court Street
Circleville, OH 43113
Thanks for checking in,
If you would like more information
send me an email.
Ron VanHorn
find us on the web at: www.vineyardcirclevillecampus.com
We are headed into summer, and we have a lot of things happening:
Movies in the Park
We were approved by Circleville City Council to Host a Weekly Free Movie, in Ted Lewis Park. I'm super excited about this. We will host the city to Classic Family Friendly Movies, and stuff them with free popcorn. We want to always look for ways to help our community. The current state of our economy being what it is. We realized that for many families entertainment is often the first thing to go. A trip to the movies for a family of four can cost $50 or more. We put our heads together made a few calls, made a presentation (Thank you Phil) Whala... Movie Night in the Park.All Movies will be shown on a Large Screen (Approx 18' wide) at Ted Lewis Park. We will be setting up in the Pool Parking Lot. Bring a lawn chair or blanket- Free Popcorn will be provided - Bring your own Non-Alcoholic Beverages to enjoy. We are planning on having games and contests before and after the movies. This is about fun and family and bringing our community together. So tell your friends and Family, Talk it up to all the people you know.
All shows will be shown on Fridays at 8:30pm. or when its dark enough to start.
Movie Schedule and Details:
Friday May 20: MEGAMIND - Rated PG
Friday May 27: Cheaper By The Dozen - Rated PG
(Prize to be awarded to Largest Family in Attendance)
Friday June 3 : Star Wars - Rated PG
(Prize to be awarded to best Star Wars Costume- Bring your Light Sabers and Vader masks)
Friday June 10: Toy Story 3 - Rated G
Friday June 17: E.T. - Rated PG
Friday June 24: The Princess Bride - Rated PG
We continue to work with S.A.F.E- Shelters available for everyone (www.everyone-safe.org)
providing beds to those in need. We have worked closely with Children Services and PICCA's Homeless Prevention program to provide beds to the invisible poor in our county. We have expanded our reach also into Franklin and Union Counties. The above pictures show our Bed Project Crew. A few High school students from Logan Elm have joined us, and they have been an amazing help. If you are interested in helping us, or would like to template this idea in your own community. Please contact us.
We are hoping to surpass last years total and give away 150 beds this year.
The Pickaway County Farm Market will be coming up soon- Look for us to be there. Come check out our booth.
Our Church is currently meeting every Sunday Night at Gibson's Cafe @ 6 pm.
This is nothing fancy. Just a few people getting together to talk and pray.
Weekly message will be given by pastor Rich Nathan
Gibson's Cafe
506 North Court Street
Circleville, OH 43113
Thanks for checking in,
If you would like more information
send me an email.
Ron VanHorn
find us on the web at: www.vineyardcirclevillecampus.com
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